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古见同学有交流障碍症 第二季

日文名称:古見さんは、コミュ症です。 2
英文名称:Komi Can't Communicate Season 2
其他名称:Komi-san wa / Communication Shougai desu. 2 / Komi Can't Communicate Season 2 / Komi-san wa, Komyushou desu. 2
标签: 恋爱 校园 漫画改 搞笑 日常 OLM 漫改 续作 川越一生
时长:23 分钟
更新时间:2022年08月21日 15时
简介:After an exciting and momentous cultural festival, Shouko Komi continues her endeavor to make one hundred friends alongside her friend and classmate Hitohito Tadano. As winter begins, the class is joined by the seemingly delinquent student Makoto Katai, who has been absent since the first week of school. Despite his intimidating appearance, Katai has difficulty communicating with others and just wants to befriend his classmates.<br /> <br /> As new friendships form and current ones deepen, Komi and Tadano’s relationship begins to change—though not necessarily for the worse.<br /> <br /> [Written by MAL Rewrite]
古见同学有交流障碍症 第二季 相关: